ABOUT: MBM virtual incorporates all the fun of our in person classes! Expect to sing engaging new and old songs, dance to popular music, enjoy story time and more! Each class is 30 minutes.
AGE RANGE: 1 to 4 years
PRICE: $15 drop-in per household (siblings are FREE!)
ZOOM: After you sign up, you will get a confirmation email with the zoom link & more details
‣A pot and/or bowl to use as a drum
‣Some space to dance
‣Bubbles, if you have them (optional)
‣Your Child’s Favorite Stuffed Animal (Optional)
‣Good internet connection (classes held via ZOOM)
*Joyous playtime and self-expression through music
*An energetic outlet for busy minds & bodies
*A Sense of Community & Connection with other children